The Boiler | Elm Foundation
September 2024
Made in collaboration and with support from:
Pete Marzilli, Char Jeré, John Maria Gutierrez, Ryan Miller
Lighthouse of Moth,
Wooden Scaffolding & Found Materials

Can the frequency of a body be felt across a room? Across the earth? Akin to moth larvae who consume and grow from synthetic and natural fibers, Meaghan Elyse digests and regenerates collected materials into a constructed spiral. The structure presents a cosmos on multiple scales: an inner, micro-cosmos, and a wider, macro-cosmos; an inner holding – to rest and sit together – a wider release - to push out, exhale, eject. Drawing inspiration from the text Vibrant Matter by theorist Elizabeth Bennett, everything is moving and acting upon each other at all scales, the energy within our bodies, pulsing through the pipes of the building, embedded in the earth below, and stretching across the edge of the universe. From a concentrated space, a lighthouse casts out a signal to those far away.

© Meaghan Elyse Lueck 2023